Mercy Arena Ministries

Mercy Arena Ministries 


Photos & Story By Bret Sheppard
Pastor - Kennedy Iden

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Mercy Arena Ministries is a relatively new church here in Brampton which runs its services on Sunday’s from 10:30 am to 1:00pm. The Pastor is Kennedy Iden and his wife Roseline also conducts prayers, sermons, baptisms and communion. The church is located at the Marigold Hotel which is on Queen St, just West of Kennedy on the North side. The services are conducted downstairs in of all places The Kennedy Room. If you have lived in Brampton for some time you know where it is, it was originally the Old Brampton Hotel.

Marigold Hotel
Kennedy Iden originally started the Church in his homeland of Trinidad & Tobago, and when arriving here in Brampton, decided to continue and start up his church here. Mercy Arena Ministries in Brampton started in 2015.

Sunday Morning Sermons
By Pastor Kennedy Iden


Kennedy delivers a powerful sermon, and it will sure to keep you tuned in, no falling asleep. He shows the great passion and love for god and Jesus and his congregation feels the vibes and strength within from the power of god. For the first half of the service Kennedy delivers his blistering sermon. 

Children enjoy getting up to dance

Then the children take part and dance to some inspirational music. 

Kennedy follows that with more sermons and prayers which begin and end with Hallelujah. After the sermons, more dancing, then The Communion, followed by Roseline who delivers a very powerful prayer, and blessing for members who need healing and or comfort. It is a lively two and half hours of spiritual awakening.


A Blessing


 Roseline -Prayer &Testimonial


If you are at home and wish to join and attend a local church, Mercy Arena Ministries is a most beneficial choice. It is at a prime location, right near The Zum bus stop, and 10:30 is a decent time on a Sunday morning to attend services. Kennedy and Roseline would love to have you be a part of their close knit congregation which is like a family, and would welcome you with open arms of love for god and the richness in through their hearts.

More Dancing

For further information please call Kennedy or Roseline at (647) 575-0415 or
on Facebook at Mercy Arena Ministries or click the link below

Please join Kennedy Iden & Family each Sunday


Times & Place for Sunday's Service

Mercy Arena Ministries
Time & Place
Marigold Hotel
Sunday 10:30 am – 1:00 pm


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