2016 Farmers' Markets

2016 Farmers' Markets

Handing out fresh strawberries
The dense crowd checking out the vendors

 The first Saturday of the Farmer's Market was sizzling. Not just the temperature but the size of the crowd. 
All the vendors were ready with their produce and delicious goodies to tempt the taste buds  Especially the wonderful strawberries that were just picked. 

It also didn't hurt the attendance as Garden Square has been showing the Euro Cup 2016 .games both Belgium & Ireland were up first and then it was Iceland & Hungary. Garden Square also had vendors plus nicely decorated with flags to celebrate The Euro Cup teams.

Protesters were also on hand, distributing information on the latest installment in the LRT debate.

Main ST. North

Main St. North via Main St. South

The weather was hot and people flocked to Main St. in droves. People here in Brampton do love the Farmer's Market.

Euro Cup Nations Flags decorate the Square

Don't forget, double-feature Saturday Movies Under the Stars

Minions & Guardians of the Galaxy

All photos by Bret Sheppard


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