Keep the Passion and the Rink, Lose the Bureaucracy (Bureau-crazy)
Keep the Passion and the Rink, Lose the Bureaucracy
(Bureau-crazy that is)
Special Editorial
By Bret Sheppard
'Ruining Christmas': Family told to take down hockey rink after neighbour complains - CTV News
We here at Brampton Bits & Bites we usually like to post a more positive fun upbeat family activities that happens in the City of Brampton, however, there is a topic from a recent news item on CTV News in regards the Cosgrove family in Ottawa that was told to tear down their front yard hockey rink because it was an eyesore for a neighbour who complained, and was against a City's Bylaw, The issue has given Brampton Bits & Bites fuel to raise a major concern and express our opinion that this kind of action, removal of the hockey rink, is so wrong in many ways.
First of all, we are Canadian, the place in question is Ottawa our Nation's Capital, and the game of hockey is as Canadian as it gets, where ever it is played. Instead of tearing down a rink, shouldn't it be applauded to the highest extent? Doesn't Ottawa have the NHL Senators, and the OHL 67's, plus a number of kids playing organized hockey in the region, both boys and girls. This issue keeps on coming up, usually in regards to Street Hockey, and the reasoning being is that it involves safety. However, this is a rink that is situated on a residents front yard away from traffic, and how possible can it ever be an eyesore.
Another aspect is the complaint that kids today do not get enough physical activity and are tied to their computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. As a result the problem with obesity is rampant and kids today are far more likely to develop diabetes in the future as oppose to developing a great wrist shot. Before all this techno gadget world took shape, kids were more active. For example older generations such as kids growing up from the early 90's down, played hockey on the rinks, on the street, or on the ponds, playing for hours on end, and having a lot of fun. Most importantly we were active, and we would only quit when the street lights came on, and in some cases later, if the rink had lights on the rink. This kind of activity needs to come back, and be encouraged, not to be torn down. 20 years ago you could walk down any street in this country and find kids of all ages playing hockey at two or three different spots. Today you will be hard pressed to find any game being played in an entire neighbourhood period.
People constantly complain about the rising crime rate among youths today, and municipalities, Provincial and Federal governments spend a great deal of tax dollars attempting to come up with solutions. Isn't playing a sport, being active and having something constructive to do that IS positive, a good way to combat the rise in crime.
The complaining neighbour who initiated this complaint and forced the issue, is not just the only problem here, there have been several crabby neighbours throughout the years including our generation. But where the real blame should be with the municipality itself and not to realize the real harm they are causing. Explain to me what is more of any eyesore, kids dealing and doing drug deals on a street corner, or inactive kids who can't even walk up a flight of stairs and need an elevator instead.
An outdoor hockey rink, what is wrong with that, many families during our winter months have built rinks in their yards for years, and our greatest player, the Great One Wayne Gretzky, whose father Walter Gretzky is famous for building a rink in his backyard for Wayne when he was younger so he could play as much as he liked, and Walter could keep an eye on him while staying warm.
Municipalities need to change this ridiculous bylaw and use a little common sense. We as a community we will all be better off for it and reap the benefits as a society in the years ahead. Healthier kids and a safer more welcoming community. Please Ottawa do the right thing and allow this family to keep their rink, so the kids can keep playing to their hearts content. This also goes for other communities such as The City of Brampton or any other community in this country. Hockey is our passion and OUR game, it should be promoted, not to be torn down.
The Mayor, Jim Watson has intervened and asked for a review in this matter and hopefully a solution can be worked out and the Cosgroves can keep the rink.
Please feel free to comment on this story and make any concerns known to your local representative at the municipal level and use more common sense with this issue, as opposed to all the bureaucracy or this political correctness that seems to prevail.
Let the Games Continue
The complaining neighbour who initiated this complaint and forced the issue, is not just the only problem here, there have been several crabby neighbours throughout the years including our generation. But where the real blame should be with the municipality itself and not to realize the real harm they are causing. Explain to me what is more of any eyesore, kids dealing and doing drug deals on a street corner, or inactive kids who can't even walk up a flight of stairs and need an elevator instead.
An outdoor hockey rink, what is wrong with that, many families during our winter months have built rinks in their yards for years, and our greatest player, the Great One Wayne Gretzky, whose father Walter Gretzky is famous for building a rink in his backyard for Wayne when he was younger so he could play as much as he liked, and Walter could keep an eye on him while staying warm.
Municipalities need to change this ridiculous bylaw and use a little common sense. We as a community we will all be better off for it and reap the benefits as a society in the years ahead. Healthier kids and a safer more welcoming community. Please Ottawa do the right thing and allow this family to keep their rink, so the kids can keep playing to their hearts content. This also goes for other communities such as The City of Brampton or any other community in this country. Hockey is our passion and OUR game, it should be promoted, not to be torn down.
The Mayor, Jim Watson has intervened and asked for a review in this matter and hopefully a solution can be worked out and the Cosgroves can keep the rink.
Please feel free to comment on this story and make any concerns known to your local representative at the municipal level and use more common sense with this issue, as opposed to all the bureaucracy or this political correctness that seems to prevail.
Let the Games Continue
Photo by Bret Sheppard during Hometown Hockey in Brampton ON. |
This has been a special editorial brought to you from Brampton Bits & Bites, and thank you for taking the time to read this blog.
Please check the links above to the CTV video & to the Web page from CTV News itself for the full story.
Please check the links above to the CTV video & to the Web page from CTV News itself for the full story.
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