The Brampton Batman Graces Garden Square 4 Two Nights

                          Garden Square is Brightened                                          
By The Dark Knight of Brampton


For two nights, Thursday & Saturday, Garden Square in Brampton was graced by the illustrious presence from The Dark Knight, more famously known here as The Brampton Batman. Starting Thursday, Aug. 3, 
Garden Square featured “Batman & Robin” for Throwback Thursday Night Movie night, and roughly an hour prior to Showtime, as movie watchers were descending to the Square, who better, besides the popcorn, pop, and ice cream would make this night so magical, than the main character in the movie to show up, Batman, and show up he did in grand style.

The Brampton Batman At Garden Square

Slithering in like a crocodile swimming in a swamp, Batman made a stunning entrance coming in the back way via the Rose Theatre and continuing ever so gingerly towards the front of the Big Screen Batman parked the Batmobile, which would be stationary for the duration of the evening. 
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The Batmobile moves into position

                                                       The Brampton Batman
Brampton movie watchers were overjoyed and thrilled to see this magnificent driving machine in person, and waited with eager anticipation for Batman to disembark from the car.

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After a few short minutes the glass hood crept open by means of a pair of black gloves, and to the delight of everyone circling the Batmobile, The Brampton Batman flew down on to Garden Square making a dramatic pose for the several onlookers taking pictures on their smartphones or cameras
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A set of lights were set up around the perimeter of the Batmobile, for later on in the evening when the sun descended for the night. Plus a queue was set up by Garden Square staff for photo seekers could line up in order to get that special photo with the Brampton Batman.  Batman was gracious with everyone that dropped by, and even made special action poses for Brampton Bits & Bites to get that powerful shot for the eager readers to the blog.
Eight o’clock and it was movie time. Batman continued to pose for pictures for the awaiting fans in the queue.  He did manage to escape for a few minutes to don the confines of Starbucks for a little refreshment and more greetings. The Brampton Batman remained throughout the duration of the movie pleasing the many who still wanted to share a moment, take pictures and even grab an autograph in the process and the Batmobile certainly looked awe inspiring to view when the sun disappeared.
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A great turn out to the Square for Batman & Robin and the weather was nothing short of superb a very pleasant way to spend a summer evening in the Square with friends and family .However, the best was yet to come on Saturday Night ,
Saturday Night, Movies Under the Stars, a double feature family movie night.  On this particular Saturday, August 5, the movies featured were, Lego Batman and then the heir apparent The Dark Knight.  Now if Batman turns up on Thursday for Batman & Robin, you would think he would love to be at Garden Square for this double-feature, especially with the abundance of more families and young batman fans enthusiastic to meet their favourite superhero.
 Well not only did he turn up, but also brought a friend, by the name of Spider-Man.
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Similar to Thursday, The Batmobile glided slowly through the Garden Square confines and settled in front of the Big Screen comparable to Thursday.  After a few minutes the pair ascended up out of the Batmobile to a smiling receptive audience waiting patiently for the special superhero to appear in person especially with all the little ones decked out in their Batman costumes.

Saturday Night

The Return of The Brampton Batman II

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With all the greetings to Garden Square Staff and a little stretching, the duo, The Brampton Batman & Spider-Man began posing for photos with their adoring fans. It almost looked like Halloween, with all the little Batman costumes donning little prince & princesses in order to get that special keepsake picture with their heroes.

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What could be more enjoyable on a beautiful Saturday evening than not to be at Garden Square?  Meeting up with friends and family bringing lawn chairs, blankets, sharing a laugh and or stories about days gone by, sipping on a hot cup of something warm from Starbucks, delectable ice cream from The Little Shop of Ice Cream, grabbing a sub across the street from Subway, maybe a tea from T By Daniels, or partake
 in some refreshments from the Rose Theatre patio,  then settle down under the stars relax, and enjoy a pleasant ,comfortable evening watching a delightful double-feature movie like the old days when Brampton once had a Drive-In Theatre near where Shopper’s World is now. 

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On this particular Saturday what could be more magical than to have the Super-hero from the movie, live in person, our very own Brampton Batman, a true Batman, and is always a crowd pleaser.

A great two nights of fun @ Garden Square, and as always a great place to meet and enjoy the company of friends and family.

Always good @ Garden Square in Brampton

All Photographs & Video are the property and copyright©
of Bret Sheppard & Brampton Bits & Bites.


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