One Brampton One Book

Six Metres of Pavement 
Overtakes The Field of 4 

Once there were four books, that beck and called to Brampton Library patrons to choose the number one book. And in the end one book stood alone among the amazing four, that achieved the top pick among Brampton Library readers, “Six Metres of Pavement”, by Farzana Doctor was chosen the Winner of Brampton Library’s One Book One Brampton at Brampton City Hall to a stunning turnout for the official Launch.

Announcing the winner

The 4 Books in contention were, The Juggler’s Children by Carolyn Abraham, Fifteen Dogs by Andre Alexis, The Amazing Absorbing Boy by Rabindranath Maharaj, and of course, Six Metres of Pavement by Farzana Doctor. The winner was announced at an official launch on Thursday February 16 in the Atrium at Brampton City Hall conducted by The Brampton Library. The competition began back in November of 2016, and the last day was December 31 for Library readers including the book clubs, to choose their favourite book.

Six Metres of Pavement, by Farzana Doctor is a fictional story that reflects the heavy turmoil and anguish after Ismail Boxwala made an horrendous and seriously deadly mistake by leaving his baby daughter in the back seat of his car that resulted in deadly consequences for the baby who tragically died and the repercussions that Ismail faced such as divorce, heavy drinking and struggling to live.
All four books reflected upon services that libraries provide to a wide diverse population that relies on libraries for information, and a social network, especially newcomers to Canada. The Brampton Library had booths available in providing information that not only promoted each of the books, but the subject matter of the book as well, as per example, The Amazing Absorbing Boy, which details the adventures of a young teenage boy named Sam, and trying to find his way in a new country, In the book Sam attends the library to seek information and then stumbles upon interesting people who like Sam are trying to find their niche and

to blend into their new surroundings. Sameeta Hafeez was on hand with information that helps newcomers.
Another subject matter and book, The Juggler's Children by Carolyn Abraham, that The Brampton Library connects with people are people seeking information in helping to find out their own ancestry in the genealogical section of the library, searching through records, registries, microfilm all in the quest to find out family ties. Terry Wong was on hand with pamphlets and information for the many that attended One Book One Brampton

Brampton Mayor Linda Jeffrey 
speaks at One Book One Brampton

One Book One Brampton also had refreshments at the ready, wonderful Steel Drum music provided by Ken Drum Music Academy which depicted the story of Samuel in the Amazing Absorbing Boy, as Samuel had lived in Trinidad with his uncle Boysie in Mayaro after Sam’s mother died when he was just seventeen.

Ken Drum Academy entertains the faithful.

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Mayor Linda Jeffrey was on hand to lend her support and encouraging words to the many authors and in particular Brampton Authors and the magnificent work The Brampton Library provides to the many Brampton Residents on a daily basis.
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Rebecca Raven CEO - Brampton Library with door prize winner
June Dickenson, Marketing Manager at The Brampton Library emceed the event and welcomed everyone who attended along with many other

members of the Brampton Library staff as they also do day in day out at all branches throughout Brampton.

Photo Gallery

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Part of City of Brampton Animal Services - Fifteen Dogs

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The Winner

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June Dickenson Marketing Manager for The Brampton Library, emcees the proceedings.

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Carolyn Abraham Author of The Juggler's Children

Who will win next year, here's hoping for an author from Brampton.
Let's all read and find out shall we...for 2017

Please drop by any Brampton Library branch for a list of activities, programs, and events that will sure to please every person in the family.

Click on the web site for more information:

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