Live Art Competition in Brampton

Art In Brampton

Saturday September 2nd, Downtown Brampton played host to the 1st annual Live Art Competition. Artists came from all over to take part in the event and showcased their bursting artistic talent all in the quest to capture the first prize of $1,000.

Ylli Haruni take a picture of his work

Ylli's Painting and background 

Even the wet. damp weather did not deter these painters one bit, some brought photographic umbrellas, or seeked refuge under an overhang such as the steps of City Hall.  All while the Farmer's Market was in full swing.
All competing for four awards
1st Place  $1,000
2nd Prize   $500
3rd Prize  $200
People's Choice Award

Ylli's "Rainy Day Brampton

1st Prize Winner

The Live Art Competition kicked off at Daily Time Square starting from 9:00am to 10:00 for registration. Artists received a 16x20 canvas, and they were to bring their own supplies and equipment. 

Between 10:00 am to 1:00 pm the artists disbursed to many sites and landmarks throughout the downtown to create their masterpiece.

The rain did not dampened the spirits of these painters such as Hashibush Shaheed brought a photographic umbrella to stem the rain while he painted his creation right at the North East section of City Hall on Main St.

Hashibush Shaheed  Creating his 2nd Place Winner

Painters came from all over such Ylli Haruni who travelled from Niagara Falls NY to take part in this sensational event,  which is a feather in the cap for The City of Brampton to attract such talent.

At 1:00 just as The Farmer's Market was wrapping up for another Saturday, so too were the painters.  The artists were asked to deliver their art pieces back to Daily Time Square to be Judged. And what a wonderful display of truly fine art by the many that took part.

Between 3 - 4 pm The People's Choice Award took place where people outside the judges could vote on a favourite painting which was truly hard to do.
Plus John Cutruzzola had a large canvas with brushed and paint to create  a Community Painting where anyone can chip in and add to the painting. The end result is down below.

Community Painting with 
Hashibush & John Cutruzzola


Saturday Morn by Eya Omes
Brampton City of Towers by Ted Yao

Spirit Animal by Kathleen Gallagher

Sponsors & Organizers

Two More Wonderful Pieces

People's Choice Award 
Harinder - City Hall

At 4:00 pm The winners were announced and the closing ceremonies.

Winners are featured down below.

3rd Place Winner

Hashibush & John With Hashibush's 
2nd Place Winner - Washed Out Brampton

Ylli & John - Ylli's 1st Place Winner
 Rainy Day Brampton

Live Art Sponsors & Ylli

Peeyush Gupta, Suzy Godefroy, John Cutruzzola share a moment with People's Choice Award Winner Harinder - City Hall

Harinders - City Hall

Absolutely Marvelous Piece by Ylli
 Well deserving of 1st Place

The Winners Hashibush, Ylli, & Harinder

 Hashibush, John, Ylli, Peeyush, Harinder, & Suzy

The Community Painting

A magnificent event that should be a yearly event for the City of Brampton. What a wonderful way to showcase the city and attract many artist from all over to take part, and all the paintings feature landmarks of Brampton. It is a win win situation for all that took part and what an amazing array of talent from all ages.

Next year the author of Brampton Bits & Bites will be a part of it.

Tribute to Tom Thompson and The Group of Seven
By Bret Sheppard

Photos & Story by Bret Sheppard

One footnote 
Regeneration is having an Art Sale at Grace United Church in Brampton next Saturday September 17.  More details to follow in the coming days. Featured is the Tribute to Tom Thompson & The Group of Seven. Plus many more fantastic collection of art from several very talented artists.  Hope to see you there.


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